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Drop it and Follow

Today’s post features two scriptures

I asked God today to show me where I should be focusing my time in the Word. No answers. So I read a little Genesis and came across the story of Abram and Sarai.

God called to Abram and told him to leave his father’s house and go to a land that God would provide. And Abram complied. Without a word. He was 75 at the time, had no children and only had his wife, nephew and some possessions and people, likely to work for him. That spoke to me.

Abram in a second dropped everything to follow God. He didn’t think he just obeyed. How many times have I asked God for answers but dismissed the answer because it wasn’t what I wanted? How many times have I missed opportunities for growth because I was not paying attention to the right messages? I have been praying for some pretty big opportunities and I am currently on the cusp of some lifechanging decisions that I can’t wait to share. I feel like I am trying my best to be like Abram. I am trying to be open to sacrificing my old self for a new self. To finish the story of Abram and Sarai…

God told Abram he would have a son. Sarai said she was too old and to take her maid, who bore a son.

God appeared and offered a covenant that Abram would have a multitude of generations born from him and to show the commitment, Abram and all the men over 8 days were circumcised (that escalated quickly) and Abram’s name was changed to Abraham. Sarai was changed to Sarah.

After 13 years, God appeared again and said you’ll have a son by Sarah. Sarah laughed as she was in her 90’s. But hey, God does whatever he wants….She had a son and named him Isaac. There’s more to their story but that’s as far as I got.

So I worked on some proposals and my book for a bit, prayed again and opened the Bible to find a $10 bill from 1989 that I’ve kept in a random page. It was to 1 Chronicles 29, where I read earlier this week on my phone. Verse 12 says, “Wealth and honor come from you; you are the ruler of all things. In your hands are strength and power”.

Jesus gave me that message today as I was feeling overwhelmed by these upcoming opportunities.I was settled in reading this because it isn’t the first time this week I’ve pondered that verse.Wealth and honor come from you.

Amazing.You’re telling me that the plan is already made and all I gotta do is do my job and wait for time to catch up!?!?!Life’s easier when you adopt a different mentality

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