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Imposter’s Syndrome and Moses

I have written in my book about my imposter’s syndrome. It makes me second guess my good ideas and often I quickly jump to negative outcomes of situations. I believe it is the easier path. I can predict the outcome with more efficacy. This is something I have to constantly take a conscious effort to think with a growth mindset. A mindset where I go for something I want and speak confidently about my vision.

I’ve counted a dozen messages this week that I’ve had to erase emails, texts or reroute conversations where I was already backing myself out of my own ideas!


One example was when I was talking with a potential ministry and education partner and stopped myself from saying “it’s just an idea”. Too bad they were so polite they let me finish the sentence. I had to reroute the conversation to further say it is a big idea that could benefit parties but this example happens daily to me. It’s difficult for many of us to accept their own worth.

One famous example is of Moses who was an Israelite but lived in the palace of Egypt. His whole story is fascinating. Being sent down a river and the Pharaoh’s daughter found him and adopted him. Moses saw an Egyptian official beating a Hebrew man and Moses felt empathy for this man as he was born a Hebrew. He ends up killing the guard and running away. He encounters a burning bush where God tells him he is going to go back and free the slaves. “But Moses spoke to God. “Who am I that I should go to Pharaoh?” he said. “Who am I that I should bring the Israelites out of Egypt?””

Exodus 3:11 NIRV. Who am I?

Who am I to write a blog? Who am I to offer mentorship services? Who am I to title myself an author? Who am I to start planning for a private school? Who am I to start planning a youth outreach program in my small town? These are just my top 5 who am I’s for 2020. I could write for days about the who am I conversations I have with myself. The challenge to growth personally and professionally this year was to bring Jesus everywhere with me. Exodus 3:14 says God responds with “I AM WHO I AM”. You know when the Bible throws it in ALL CAPS that you should pay attention.


I now have purpose with my directions in life. It is still difficult at times but as long as I lead toward Jesus I’m getting better at getting better. Jesus compares Himself with the bread of life when he said his “I am’s” but here God is very direct saying nope I am Lord and I can do anything.

Shameless plug: my book is available December 15 on kindle through Amazon. Search for The Dad Your Daughters See” and pre-order it for Christmas! It’ll be the best $10 you’ll spend. And please share my messages with your friends, email is best as the site doesn’t share in Facebook. Or follow my Instagram @plaidshirtcounselor and on twitter @plaidshirtCYW

God bless


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