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"Now is not the time"

2020 has been quite the year. I'm not going to describe all the hardships the world has faced this year, because, well it's exhausting.

I've heard lots of people talking about how terrible this year is, how they can't wait for next year to get their life "back". Many believe that once the clock turns to midnight on December 31st suddenly their life gets a reset.

What we don't recognize enough is that time is man made construct. The idea of a minute, a day or year is completely fabricated to keep us organized and keep track of history. Time in itself should not dictate how we govern ourselves.

We need get around the idea that you HAVE to do things at a certain time and start to do things as they need to be done for you. I'm not typically hungry in the morning for breakfast so why do I HAVE to eat then? It's a social construct. Eat when you're hungry. Go to bed when you're tired, even if it's 8 o'clock. Wake up with vigor and hungry to accomplish your goals.

I took this last quarter of 2020 and just changed it up, instead of thinking that I HAVE to wait until December 31st to start planning goals and hammering them into my mind. I can start now. I don't have to wait til Monday, next month or next year...NOW!

So I got to planning. I want to build some things in 2021 and hope that it all plays out. I have some opportunities with a couple different Christian organizations that will allow me to serve youth in a way I've never served before. I want to lose some weight because I feel like my outside doesn't match what's inside. I want to start making some extra cash so I can provide for my little tribe. But I don't want to wait. I'm impatient. I'm driven. I'm focused.

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